2021 Update #10: Dungeon Defenders Awakened — Nintendo Switch Key Distribution
over 3 years ago
– Sun, Aug 15, 2021 at 06:05:38 PM
Great news! We’ve sent out all of our Nintendo Switch game keys to eligible backers! Please check your email for your code(s). Sometimes our messages enter backers’ spam folders, so be sure to look for the email there, too.
If you are an eligible backer who chose the Nintendo Switch platform for your Game Key Reward but did not receive an email from us, please send an email to [email protected] from your backer email address with the following information:
- Platform you backed through (e.g., Kickstarter)
- Region you are in
- Nintendo of America (NOA)
- Nintendo of Europe (NOE)
- NOE (AU/NZ only)
Social Defenders
To stay up-to-date on the latest news from Chromatic Games and the Dungeon Defenders franchise, follow us on all our social channels:
For Etheria!
Chromatic Games
2021 Update #9: Dungeon Defenders Awakened — Nintendo Switch Key Delay
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Aug 04, 2021 at 02:27:19 AM
For our Nintendo Switch launch, we’ve just received word today on a few issues for our Backers that we want to be transparent about and offer some solutions.
North American Backers:
For those who filled out their information last week, we are currently working with Nintendo of America to get your keys to you by this weekend. This is unfortunate, but we’re doing everything we can to get the keys as quickly as possible.
European Backers:
Due to unfortunate circumstances, Nintendo of Europe (NOE) gave us notice today (August 3rd) that we need to submit tax documentation in order for our studio specifically to purchase keys as a company to distribute to our backers in Europe. This form is called a 6166 Form and can take 4-6 weeks to process through the IRS, alongside the additional forwarding and work with NOE. As a result, we are unable to provide the keys from Kickstarter and BackerKit backers until that time has passed.
People waiting to purchase on Switch:
The Nintendo Switch version of Dungeon Defenders Awakened will be available for purchase and should not be hindered in any way. The Lycan’s Keep, Episode 1, update will be available to all of you as soon as it passes through certification. Again, only our ability to distribute keys to backers directly is hindered.
Solutions for NOE Backers:
We’re wanting to make sure we can do right by our backers, some of our earliest supporters, by providing multiple solutions:
Option 1: Wait it out (may take 5-8 weeks).
Option 2: Be provided a North American (NOA) version of DDA that requires you to region change in your Switch’s settings in order to play (may take up to 1 week). Please note that it will take a few days for us to procure more North American keys. For information about switching your region, please visit this website: https://bit.ly/NintendoRegionChange
- Note: Any money in your Nintendo wallet will not be available in the new region if you swap regions. You will also not be able to play games outside of the new region until you swap back to the previous region.
Option 3: Change your key to a Steam/PC key (can be done in 1 business day).
Option 4: Write in to [email protected] and request a refund for the value of the game you purchased (i.e. if you purchased a $16 tier, we’ll be able to refund the $16). We’ll get it back to you, no questions asked.
- For Kickstarter backers that backed a tier over $30 specifically, we can offer a $30 partial refund to ensure you still get all your rewards and then use that refunded money to be able to purchase the game through the Nintendo eShop.
- We’re unable to provide partial refunds to BackerKit backers as it is a technical limitation through their service.
If you are an NOE Backer and wish to select one of the first three options above, please fill out the following survey. https://forms.gle/RCGkU6f5ktfHUzJs6 If you are in the NOE region and do not respond to the survey, we will assume you are okay with Option 1 waiting it out.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, as well as the late notice, as we’ve been looking for any other solution we can with Nintendo’s aid before getting this message out. We’re getting the word out as fast as possible, reaching out to every backer for Kickstarter, BackerKit, and Xsolla that this would affect, and are continuing to do the best with what we have. The Nintendo Switch version will launch and be purchasable as scheduled, just the ability for our studio to receive keys and distribute them ourselves at the moment is hindered, but we’re moving as quickly as we can to correct this issue.
Chromatic Games
2021 Update #8: Dungeon Defenders Awakened — Nintendo Switch Release Date and Other Updates
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 12:07:56 AM
There’s been a lot going on at Chromatic Games since our last update post, and we want to take this time to catch you up on all things Dungeon Defenders: Awakened.
Nintendo Switch and The Lycan’s Keep
The time has come… Dungeon Defenders: Awakened passed Nintendo’s Lot Check process and is ready for release on the Nintendo Switch!
The official release date for DDA on Nintendo Switch is August 4, 2021! But that’s not all... The highly anticipated free update “The Lycan’s Keep” (previously known as “Episode One”) will launch simultaneously on PC via Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S; as well as releasing on or soon after the launch of Dungeon Defenders: Awakened on Nintendo Switch.
Qualifying Kickstarter and Xsolla Backers who chose Nintendo Switch as the platform for their Game Key reward will receive an email asking folks to confirm their digital game key preference by replying directly to the email. Two types of keys will be delivered which should correlate with your region; those will be NOE (for EU and AU regions) and NOA (for those in the Americas). After confirmation, digital game keys will be distributed to Qualifying Kickstarter and Xsolla Backers emails shortly before the launch of August 4th.
For all the news on this launch and the upcoming update, The Lycan’s Keep, check out our forum post:
Official Release Date for DDA on Nintendo Switch and The Lycan’s Keep Update.
International Backer Rewards
When the pandemic hit last March, we had to delay international shipping due to crazy long shipping times and many lost packages. With things feeling more “back to normal” recently, we spent the last few months tracking international shipping trends to see if/when international shipping would be feasible and efficient again. Great news — that time has finally come!
Before we start shipping out rewards, though, we wanted to make sure all of the mailing addresses we had on file were still accurate. We’ve posted and sent several notifications to international Backers through Kickstarter and email asking to update or confirm your mailing addresses. If you haven’t yet confirmed your shipping address, please check for a message from us at the email you used to back DDA. You need to reply to the email to either: 1) confirm the mailing address we have on file is correct, or 2) include an updated mailing address. Once you confirm or update your address, you’re good to go!
We will send out a notification to all eligible international Backers once those physical rewards have shipped.
Digital Art Book
Speaking of rewards, we thought it’d be fun to share some of our recent progress on the Digital Art Book! In the pictures, you’ll see some of the concept art for the Squire and Apprentice’s defenses included in the Art Book. (DD1 fans may see some familiar defenses in there, too.)
Developer’s Note: These pieces are still Works-in-Progress, and some or all of the Art Book layouts and designs pictured here are subject to change in the final version.
Other Rewards and Features
There are still a few in-progress Backer rewards and promised features we are working on in the studio. When we have more information about these rewards (e.g., progress, distribution to qualified Backers), we’ll post on Kickstarter.
Here is the list of outstanding Backer rewards*:
- Digital Art Book
- Digital Strategy Guide
- In-Game Character Titles
- Weapon Names
- Vinyl Switch Control Covers
*Note: Only qualified Backers will receive these rewards. To check whether your tier qualifies for the Digital Art Book or other outstanding rewards, please check your Backerkit account.
Some promised features have also not yet been implemented into the game, and we wanted to provide an update on each of those.
- Split-screen Co-op: This is a B-I-G project. To be frank, we’re working through some bumps in the road with this feature. The development of split-screen requires us to run the game twice, impacting other aspects of gameplay. As much as we want to push this out as soon as possible, we won’t add a feature that isn’t polished.
- Trading — This classic Dungeon Defenders feature needs a bit more time before it’s ready to be added to DDA. It’s another large project that we want to ensure is implemented effectively and without a metric ton of exploits.
- Cross-save: This is a complicated feature we are trying to work through holistically. Since we’ll have to go through more certification processes to add cross-saving to each console, we need at least a few more months more of work on this.
PlayStation Update
For PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 ports, we don’t yet have a release timeline. We previously announced we’re aiming for DDA to be out on all consoles by the end of the year. That will still be our goal, but between Switch development and our work on our Episode 1 update, we need some more time to figure out what tasks we need to complete to get DDA through Sony’s certification.
Social Defenders
To stay up-to-date on the latest news from Chromatic Games and the Dungeon Defenders franchise, follow us on all our social channels:
For Etheria!
Chromatic Games
2021 Update #7: Dungeon Defenders Awakened — Address Change Reminder for International Backers
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, May 07, 2021 at 03:15:50 PM
Last week we posted an update asking our loyal international Backers to email our Customer Support at [email protected] by May 15, 2021 if there is any chance your shipping address changed since you backed Dungeon Defenders: Awakened, or will change in the next couple of months.
This is just a friendly reminder that the May 15 deadline is one week away! We want to mail physical rewards to qualified Kickstarter Backers as soon as possible, and we need your help to ensure there are no delays in receiving your reward. We will only be able to send out physical rewards to our international Backers ONCE, so please make sure we have the right address!
If you are an international Backer whose shipping address may have changed since you backed the Dungeon Defenders: Awakened project, or if it will change in the next month, please send an email to [email protected] to confirm/change your address on file. The deadline to do this is next Saturday, May 15, 2021.
Social Defenders
To stay up-to-date on the latest news from Chromatic Games and the Dungeon Defenders franchise, follow us on all our social channels:
For Etheria!
Chromatic Games
2021 Update #6: Dungeon Defenders Awakened—Console and Content Development News
almost 4 years ago
– Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 12:49:22 AM
We’re back with another update on what’s happening at the Chromatic Games studio, including news on console releases, FREE content, and Kickstarter rewards. Let’s get to the good stuff!
Console Development
We want to reassure you all that DDA ports for Nintendo Switch,PlayStation 4 AND PlayStation 5 are still very much under way. The Switch version will be completed and released before PlayStation, but we are aiming to have DDA on all consoles by the end of the year. We’ll update Backers on specific release dates once development is closer to completion for the respective consoles.
New Content
Speaking of development… Recently we’ve been announcing a bunch of new content we’re adding to DDA through, what we’re calling, “Episodes.” Now what the heck are Episodes? Well in short, they’re our FREE major content updates, but MCU was already taken (you may have heard of it), so Episodes it is!
An Episode continues the story of our heroes adventure, but it also does a lot of other things. Specifically, they ADD A LOT OF NEW CONTENT. What kind of new content, you ask? Well, let’s break down what we’ve announced so far:
New Heroes
Yes, that’s correct. PLURAL. Each episode contains two heroes, with one hero being a completely brand new hero and the other a remake of a previous hero (with potentially some new towers/abilities). These heroes are meant to stand on their own and feel wholly unique from one another.
Last week we announced our first new hero entering Etheria in Episode 1—The Warden! A guardian of the forest that was banished to the realm our heroes find ourselves in, The Warden joins our roster to help push back the evils that stand in your way!
In our surveys and roadmap voting, the Dryad from Dungeon Defenders II was one of the most requested heroes. The Warden is her spiritual successor, using the powers of the forest to take down any foe that approaches. You can check out all the details on her abilities and towers in our reveal post on the forums, and we showed these off in game on our Friday Funday stream last week!
We still have one more hero to announce for Episode 1, and since the Warden is a remake… That means the next hero is a brand-spanking-new, never-before-seen in Dungeon Defenders hero. We like to occasionally tease upcoming content announcements on our social media platforms, so make sure you’re following us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
New Maps
In each episode, you’ll be receiving four new maps that increase in difficulty off the base campaign. We’re following a formula for the new maps where we provide a brand new map as well as recreate three fan favorite maps. For Episode 1, we’ve announced The Mill, The Outpost, and Foundries and Forges as 3 (out of the 4) new maps coming to DDA. We still have one more to announce… Check out our Twitch stream this Friday at 3pm ET for that!.
New Boss
The last map of each episode contains a brand spankin’ new boss. These are similar to the previous bosses, requiring more active hero combat to take them down. They will be thematic to the content that we’re releasing, as well provide unique and thematic loot.
Rewards Updates
Since our last big update, we’ve wrapped up a few more rewards. First, we added enemy names to DDA! Here is a sampling of some of the submissions that are now displayed proudly in Etheria:
- “Beef Supreme”
- “Sergeant Snuggles”
- “Pancake Prime”
- “Hugh Mungus”
Make sure to let us know on Twitter or Instagram when you run into your named enemy!
At the end of March, we sent out the codes to the Baby Phoenix Pet! We talked about that in our Update #5 post and all qualified Backers should have access to the code for that reward in their emails (please check your spam folder) and your Backerkit account.
On the topic of completed rewards, the Soundtrack is done! We’ll be sending this out tomorrow.
One question that keeps popping up is regarding physical rewards to international Backers (e.g. t-shirt). During the pandemic, shipping outside of the U.S. was unpredictable and many of our test shipments got lost or took months (that’s right, months) to get to international addresses. The Good News—We were notified that international shipping times have returned to normal, and we’ll be sending out the physical rewards (that are ready) to the qualified international Backers.
**If your shipping address has changed in the last year, or if it may change in the next couple of months, please reach out to us at [email protected] to change your listed address in our system. (If you haven’t already done so.)
The deadline to change your address with us is May 15, 2021.
There are still a bunch of rewards we’re working on:
- Weapon Names
- In-game Titles
- Credits
- Legends Tablet
- Digital Strategy Guide
- Digital Art Book
When those rewards are ready to go, we’ll send out a note to Backers.
To wrap this up, we’re working on the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation ports! We’ll update everyone when we have more specific info on release dates. There is also A TON of new content and QOL updates coming to DDA with the Episode 1 update (release date not yet announced). Check out this forum post outlining the upcoming updates! Finally, if qualified international Backers need to make changes to their address on file, please contact us at [email protected] by May 15.
Social Defenders
To get reliable updates on all things DDA, make sure to follow us on all our social platforms:
For Etheria!
Chromatic Games